Jennifer Kite-PowellA caricature of a man mowing his lawnThat man mowing his lawn. He looks like he doesn’t want to be there.6h ago6h ago
Jennifer Kite-Powellabsolute absurditythis guy thinks he can email me and ask me dumb questions.Jun 9Jun 9
Jennifer Kite-PowellinScuzzbucketstolen in the nighti was taken prisoner last night. someone cloned my life right down to my loveable beagle and two existential cats.May 173May 173
Jennifer Kite-Powellode to a road tripyou dusty straight line of crushed rock and glistening white lines.Apr 21Apr 21
Jennifer Kite-PowellinScuzzbucketring of fireStop telling me it will be okay. Maybe it won’t be okay. Maybe it is never going to be okay.Dec 26, 20234Dec 26, 20234