Member-only story
A caricature of a man mowing his lawn
That man mowing his lawn. He looks like he doesn’t want to be there.
It’s Sunday morning. He’s pushing that mower with a look of resignation. That look of, ‘How did I get here, mowing the lawn on Sunday morning?’
This is not his beautiful life.
His mower isn’t great. It looks like a Lego model put together by Minions if they had a pop-up at Home Depot. He just needs to cram it into his Tesla and get the damn thing home.
Some men want to mow the lawn. Some men think, yea, this is what I do; I mow a lawn. My turf, my kingdom.
Not this guy.
He is pushing that mower like a dead man walking. His socks don’t even stay up. His Burning Man cap has seen better days. Those better days that didn’t include mowing the lawn on a Sunday while his wife stands on the porch watching, judging.
She’s extrapolating 20 years of marriage with this one mow. He knows it; he doesn’t even have to see her face.
This is not his beautiful wife.
But oh his Tesla. Now, that’s his happy place. No matter how many Sundays he has to mow this lawn for her, he will mow.
Behind the wheel of that automobile.
This is his beautiful life.